Bride's Book- Everything you need to plan your wedding, literally wedding planning,local wedding vendors,wedding inspiration, wedding photos, wedding, tools, favors and more
Want expert advice on everything Wedding? Let wedding & lifestyle impresario Linda Lee help you do it right
Shop for your wedding shoes and jewelry, a rehearsal dinner dress, something special for the honeymoon and, oh yea your wedding bands.They 're kinda important
Schedule your dress fittings, hair and makeuo trials(please don't just wing it the day of), spa treatments and a just-in-case slot with your dermatologist the thurday before the wedding in case a rouge pimple erupts. If you'll be using any new products on your big day, try them now to weed out any allergies.
Yes it's really happening! Mail them out at least 2 months before the big day so your guests have time to respond and book any accomodations. Review and replenish your registry at the same time, since this is when everyone will be buying you gifts.